
Medical Scholarships of Bihar

Offers present Matric grant on the understudies having a place with plan rank for seeking after further investigations at post registration/post optional (school/college) level inside India.  Qualification SC understudies who guardians/gatekeepers earnings from everything sources doesn't surpass  for every who are seeking after post registration/post-optional (school/college) level investigations in Govt. Perceived Institutions during the current scholarly year.(ii) Students seeking after examinations through correspondence courses are likewise eligible.(iii) All the offspring of a similar family/guardians are additionally qualified dependent upon the Income furthest reaches of the guardians. Understudies benefiting some other grant/allowance, for example, merit grants are not qualified for this grant.  Estimation of Scholarship : Value of Scholarship incorporates support stipend extra recompense for understudies with inabilities, repayment of obligatory non-refundable expenses, st